Sound the trumpets! Spread the word!

(4/6/19) The final digital proof was approved yesterday afternoon. By Good Friday, or even sooner, I should have the book itself! Such is my excitement and impatience that I couldn’t help myself and have shared the cover and synopsis with you this morning. In the coming days, I’ll post a better resolution image of the cover (what’s there now is just a quickly cropped placeholder), and I will also perhaps talk a little about the design decisions that were made. I might even share an image of the spine as well; like the cover, it too has some special, meaningful things going on…

If anything about this book sounds interesting to you, please do me the honor of sharing what you know with a friend. When it comes to advertising, I’ll need all the help I can get.

If you are a book reviewer of some portfolio, or a member of the media, and would like an early (yes, I said “early”, not advance) review copy, please feel free to contact me here.