Read A Southern Fried Fantasy Adventure Story digitally


Just a quick update to remind folks that most of the new eBook distributors have now received my second novel. This includes the Hoopla Network. Recall my eBook format was initially only available through Amazon’s Kindle. It still is but no longer participates in their “Unlimited” plan. This good news means folks with eReaders are now free to purchase my book from elsewhere and even check it out for free from Hoopla participating libraries. I’ve updated my front page with links to many of these new outfits, but you can expect to see even more of them in the coming days.

I hope this will expand my readership. It certainly didn’t hurt with A Witch’s Burden.

In other news, remember that I’ll be in Perry next Monday. I’m looking forward to seeing everyone down there again. Please arrange to come if you can. It is, of course, free. As far as a program, I’ve budgeted for less than the designated hour. I’ll be reading two selections from the book that I hope will effectively tease but not spoil the story.