I Just Saw A Bee

I just saw a bee at this here tree,

which looks more now spectacularly.

Some blossoms have fall’d upon the straw,

but that ain’t chang’d the Truth of it all.

So anyway, have an original poem… And an even more original beautiful creation of God. I love Azaleas and planted the above cutie myself only a few years ago. It’s thanks to my new landscaper that she was unearthed. Weeds had beset her. What a wonderful coming out party!

P.S. My “Second project” (referenced so long ago) is now in its final stages: I’m past 100K words, but still not quite finished. Regrettably, I see no less than a year before it’s out. When I get the final (Alpha) draft down I promise to provide more details. [EDIT (5/26/2021): I just finished it this week. It came in at 113K words, and it is rough… Like I mentioned in today’s post found HERE, I just hope the thing will be in good enough shape by April of next year for me to be able to share real details about it. I’m at least six months away from even thinking about asking a Beta reader to look at it.]