Deluxe has been proofed!


As fate would have it, I received my deluxe hardcover proof the day after my official release. ::womp, womp:: Doesn’t that just figure? The good news, however, is that now that is done. I spent all day yesterday reading the thing through one last time.

Theoretically now it should start showing up soon for sale at all of Ingram’s worldwide partners. I haven’t seen one yet, but I didn’t click approve until pretty late last evening. I have also been fighting with IngramSpark’s horrible website, so it’s entirely possible I did something screwy. On that note, there’s already been an issue I’m going to have to work out with one of their partners. I won’t name names, but one of the sheep there lost their way…

The super good news, especially for folks here locally, is that I was able to order my first batch of library copies. In a little over a week or so I’ll start getting those out. I also owe some to another competition I’ve entered. It’s gonna be close, but I should be able to get them in by the deadline!

I’ve got a lot of errands to run today, so I’ll keep this short. But did you see late on release day when I was briefly NUMBER ONE! #1 on Amazon’s Hot New Releases in my sub-sub-sub-sub category: Children’s/Literature and Fiction/Historical Fiction/American/1800s. And in “historical” perhaps “American” I was also briefly alongside a re-release of Twain’s Huckleberry Finn. I found that amusing. I took a picture and’ll see if I can find it and post it later.

P.S. If you’re reading this, and liked my book, please tell someone! No one knows me! ~.^