Another Hardcover has Found a Home


I am proud to report my book has been adopted by the Calhoun County Public Library in Blountstown, Florida. If you live in the area, please be sure to check me out.

If you can believe it, we only just recently got over that way since the big hurricane. It was terrible to see all the scars that remain even to this day and especially among the trees.

I’m still pluggin’ along on my adventure manuscript and wouldn’t have any more news to report if it wasn’t for a funny story I encountered this weekend.

Heard of the Matinicus Island Library up in Maine? Me neither, until now.

Do a web search. It’s kinda funny. Apparently a local story about it calling for donations got picked up nationwide and blown completely out of proportion. By who? Guess: the Associated Press (go figure).

I just went to their library association’s page where Eva, their treasurer, provides the real scoop. Apparently they don’t want every banned book in the universe, nor giant boxes of unwanted random dusty tomes. But since they are still interested in individual volumes, treasured reads, I’m sending them mine, courtesy of a most unlikely source.