A book with a soundtrack? Surely, it’s not the first, but nevertheless…

(Day 2) You may encounter a tune amid your read…

In what context, you ask? Well, do you want a spoiler?

You do?


Just hush and listen to Strauss for a minute: Papa Strauss! Are your eyes closed? They should be.

I scoured YouTube for versions, but this one, and the Berlin Orchestra’s version*, were all I found. I love them both, but for very different reasons.

I’ve decided that, of the two, this one is more danceable. The other just seems a bit too squared-away: more a fancy performance piece.

You need some “bounciness”! As a famous philosopher once said, “You can’t dance to Joy Division”, at least, I never did. Or was it that “You can’t always get what you want?” No, that’s not it. Maybe I’m thinking of “I won’t back down.” At least I am now. 😉

True Story: Mr. and Mrs. Author once enjoyed the work of Papa Strauss’s prolific son performed under the stars in front of the Wiener Rathaus. Sipping Freixenet out of plastic flutes… lying on the grass…  None other than Zubin Mehta was conducting! Oh, and the concert was free.

The moral of the story: get thee to Wien!

*That picture of Franz Joseph is not period.